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Coaching Essentials Inspiring Health Coaches to Inspire

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What Coaches Are Saying:

“I knew there was something missing between graduating and coaching with clients — This is AMAZING!  This is going to be so helpful to any health coach. It’s worth hundreds – maybe thousands!” — Rachel

“I was able to go through your Coaching Essentials today and printed the sheets. I feel like you’ve truly given me an a-ha moment! Seeing it all laid out/written down seemed to make it all click in my head and give me faith that I can move forward. I’m excited to practice based on your guide. I can’t express how thankful I am to have this tool now so thanks for that! Cheers!” — Sara

“This morning, before coming to work, I sat down and looked through the materials and tears filled my eyes. That was a HUGE weight off of my shoulders. I feel clarity with my next steps and now I just need to act on them.  You are an inspiration!” — Kristyn

“Sandy, I used your Spark worksheet last night with my client, who has been stuck. It really helped her to see that she is the one who is keeping herself from moving forward. I think having her go through the process of identifying what she is not doing and then identifying the benefit she would get if she actually followed through really resonated with my client. It may just have lit a little bit of “spark” in her. Thank you again for providing such great tools that are easy to use!” – Lisa L.

“Yay! I did it! I have my Health Coach certificate!

  • If you’re just starting your Health Coaching practice…
  • Or you’ve started but you feel overwhelmed, disorganized or confused …
  • Or if you’re looking for some real guidance and amazing tools to give you structure and take your practice to the next level …
  • Then you NEED the Coaching Essentials Guide and Toolkit!

What’s Inside
The Crave Coaching Essentials package comes with step-by-step direction, helpful tips, real-life examples AND more than 30 worksheets and tools to help you conduct your client sessions with confidence. The Guide and Toolkit are exactly what you need to support your clients through the process of undoing unhealthy habits, retraining their brain, and changing their relationship with food.

The worksheets help your clients become more aware. And that’s where your coaching truly makes a difference!
As you know, awareness is the first step to creating lasting change. The Crave Coaching Essentials interactive worksheets will help you structure your sessions so that your clients gain a higher level of self-awareness and understanding of the root causes of their food challenges and health concerns.

More than 30 worksheets and tools!
Below are just some of the tools included in the Coaching Essentials Guide and Toolkit. We’ve also included completed worksheets from actual clients so you have real examples, and clear explanations about how to use each tool most effectively.

Here’s just some of what’s inside the Toolkit:

  • First Session starter kit
  • What Are You Craving? worksheet
  • Client Success Tracker
  • Food Diary (Get your free worksheet here!)
  • Session Outline
  • Sugar Rollercoaster handout
  • Recipe template
  • What’s in Your Fridge/Pantry? homework sheet
  • What’s On Your Plate? homework sheet
  • Habit Loop worksheet
  • Snack Attack
  • Letter to the Shredder homework sheet
  • Spark worksheet
  • Client Elimination Tracker
  • “Uns” worksheet
  • Affirmations worksheet
  • Sleep article
  • Weekly Meal Planning worksheet
  • Weekly Meal & Workout Plan worksheet
  • Shopping List worksheet
  • Checklist
  • And much more!


How to use the Habit Loop worksheets!

The Habit Loop worksheets help your clients understand their food habits and behaviors and give you a great jumping-off point to help them reshape their unhealthy habits into healthier routines.  In order to best understand the relationship between your clients’ eating and lifestyle habits, you need to help them identify their “habit loops” – the cues that trigger their actions and the feelings they have before and after they “give in to” their habits. Then you can work together to discover how those habits were formed, how to avoid habit cues, and how to create new, healthier habits.

While change isn’t always easy, with time and awareness (and with you as their health coach), clients can reshape almost any habit.

The Coaching Essentials package comes with two Habit Loop versions, one for clients who crave sugar, the other for those who crave salty foods. Use the worksheet that best reflects your individual client’s habits. We’ve also included a sample of a Habit Loop worksheet filled out by an actual client, so you can see exactly how it works!  Click on the image on the left to see an example of the Habit Loop worksheet.

The Habit Loop is just one of more than 30 incredibly helpful worksheets, handouts and templates in the Coaching Essentials package!  Order yours today and be confident, effective and successful!

More about the Crave Coaching Essentials!
In this 30-page Guide and Toolkit of more than 30 resources, Sandy shares her proven strategies and professionally-designed worksheets and session resources that made her health coaching practice a success! She’s done it all for you, so you don’t have to!

You will learn:

  • How to conduct the Health History Consultation with purpose, direction and confidence so you don’t stress out and your clients sign up!
  • How to get your clients started on the path to success right from Session One.  See everything you need to know in the section, The Notebook!
  • How to keep your clients motivated and on track with easy-to-follow session worksheets. Customizable with your name and logo!
  • What to say and do when clients get “stuck!”
  • Exactly how to help your clients achieve those “aha” moments and guide them back on their path to success!


The CRAVE Coaching Essentials Guide and Toolkit includes:

  • Proven field-tested dialogue and coaching strategies in a 30-page, easy-to-use Guide
  • 30+  worksheets, handouts and session organizers (see a partial list of the tools above)
  • Sample client session conversations and consultations
  • The most frequently-asked questions and answers
  • Step-by-step coaching guidance so you know exactly how to conduct a Health History with confidence!
  • AND real-life, proven tips to ensure your success.  Learn what to do (and what NOT to do!)

THIS is the help you’ve been looking for! It’s the piece of the puzzle you’ve been missing!


Cost: $197

Crave’s Coaching Essentials is the all-in-one package
you’ve been looking for to take your health coaching proactive to the next level!