Crave Marketing

Detox Workshop-to-Go

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The Detox Workshop is our customers’ top pick!  Loaded with the latest research, cleansing strategies, meal plan, flyers, handouts, and more, so you will feel incredibly prepared and confident!  Detoxing and cleansing are HOT TOPICS right now!  Why reinvent the wheel? Use our Detox Workshop-to-Go and have more time to do what you love!

The Detox Workshop-to-Go includes:

  • PowerPoint: Professionally-designed and written, with beautiful graphics. (51 slides you can tailor to your needs!)
  • Script: Word-for-word, slide-by-slide script, so you know exactly what to say! Done for you and ready to use, or customize to fit your “style” if you like, or
  • Marketing materials to promote your workshop – press release, flyer, poster – just add your name, logo, website and date/time/location details!
  • Interactive handouts, meal plans, 20 recipes, professionally-designed sign-in sheet, evaluation form and more!
  • Sample Questions-and-Answers so you’ll be comfortable and confident!
  • Preparation checklist and materials list
  • The workshop runs 45-60 minutes, or edit it to be longer or shorter.
  • You decide if you want to include the meal plan and recipes in your Workshop, or save them for your one-on-one coaching! (For more ways to grow a profitable coaching practice, check out our Coaching Essentials Guide and Toolkit, and Sandy’s Coach Mentoring!)


Detox Testimonials:

“I am purchasing it…. I can’t wait to use it!! YOU ROCK Sandy Dalis!! I appreciate you and all you do for all of us, so that we can go out and change lives!! A big thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am so blessed to have found Crave Marketing and all the wonderful tools it offers!” Tracey Vlahos, health coach, has successfully presented the 10 Keys and Sugar Blues Workshops-to-Go


“I was lucky enough to be one of the first to use it! I received lots of positive feedback. Everyone said they learned a lot and it was easy to follow, and they love the recipes! Thanks, Sandy!” Linda Citron, Citron Nutrition


Cost: $197